1. Alliteration and Assonance Lists
Create a list of word pairs and
phrases that are built around alliteration or assonance. Remember, alliteration
is when words in close proximity start with (or contain) the same consonant
sound (as in pretty picture). Assonance is when words in close proximity echo
vowel sounds (bent pen). Try to come up with at least ten of each.
Crazy/cat, red/robin, fat/bag, full
of food, feeling foolish, sassy/classy, strong/soldier/, chocolate/crumbs
/seven/squirrels, /write/words
2. Make a list of significant life
events – birth, death, graduation, marriage, having children, starting your own
business. Next, come up with a metaphor for each of these events. Remember: a
metaphor is when we say one thing is another thing. A simile is when we say one
thing is like another thing.
Metaphor: Life is a dance.
Partying is crazy. He is awful.
Love is painful. Gave Over. It’s the end of the universe. Marriage is a
3. Lyrics and Musicality
Choose a catchy song that you enjoy
and rewrite the lyrics, but stick to the rhythm and meter. Try to go way off
topic from what the original lyrics were about. You can play the song while you
work the exercise or search for the lyrics online and use those as your
baseline. The idea is to get your mind on the musicality in your writing.
Leave me its ok, I can
handle it
You’ve do it on the past, it’s not
the first time
Before I would always take you back
But now guess what?
Not this time.
I hate that you never cared.
Boy, I can do it on myself from now
on, I’m only looking forward now.
Not back.
I don’t know why but you always do
Knowing all the pain I have, you do
it again
I can’t feel my heart; it’s broken
into millions of pieces
I hate that you never cared.
In life sometimes you win and
sometimes you loose
You can’t have it all in this world
But today I lost.
While I hate it, you love it.
I hate that you never cared.
Hey! You know what?
Someone will be waiting for you
But it ain’t me do you know who?
That well known Karma.
I hate that you never cared.
What goes around comes around.
But life moves on, doesn’t it?
This time I don’t want you back
And you better believe it
I hate that you never cared.
Today, I’m erasing you from my
This time it won’t be for only one day,
or one week.
But for the rest of my life,
You will never exist again.
Today, it's the end of you and I.
I hate that you never cared.